
This is a sign up for Airicka Phoenix’s Street Team

All books are written by Airicka Phoenix.

Thank you so much for your interest in joining Airicka Phoenix’s StreetTeam

If you've never been on a Street Team before, no worries! Here you'll find info on how it functions, expectations, and the perks of being on this amazing team!

A Street Team is a group of individuals passionate about supporting authors and their books by sharing a few premade posts on social media platforms to help boost the books and releases (about 4 - 8 post per month). You'll also read the book early and leave honest reviews on or around release day on retailers like Amazon, Goodreads, and on social media.

Goals and Expectations:

  •  Team members will be given a graphic with verbiage to share over social media.

  • Team members will be provided with a form to complete so that Admin is able to keep track of book mentions.

  • Team members can share as many posts as they want.

  • Team members will be sent an electronic ARC (eARC)  2-4 weeks before release day.

  • Reviews on Amazon are required upon finishing the book and allow you to ARC future books for the author. Book reviews on Goodreads and other social media are highly encouraged. Team members will be given access to a form to fill out to confirm that reviews have been completed.

  • Team members will be asked to post a currently ARC reading graphic, and a review/reel the day of release.


  • Early eARC access to upcoming releases

  • First to see

  • First peeks

  • Sneak peeks

Thank you so much for using your time, creativity, and love of books to support indie authors, you are so appreciated!

**Please note: You are signing up to help promote and review all of the authors books, not just a specific book. Again, thank you for your support!**

If you have any questions when filling out this form please send an email to Airicka’s PA, Grace. Grace can be contacted at or DMd on Instagram (@the_crafty_booknerd).

Thank you for your interest in joining the s Airicka Phoenix’s Street Team!